Monday, November 3, 2008

Myrtle Beach from Southport

Ok! Another state crossed. We're in Sc. now and it feels good to knock off another state. The ride down was short today only 31 miles. It was a dreary rainy day but we stayed dry until it was time to fuel up and dock at the end of the trip.
Along the way we saw a flock of migrating swallows. I don't think I've ever seen this many birds flying together. It was a massive ball of life swirling away in confused flight that somehow managed to have direction. Very odd but it looked like they were having fun at it.
So here we are at the Coquina Yacht Club, and we decide to take a walk. We leave the compount and are walking through a parking lot when out of the blue a van pulls and honking the horn. It's Ed from F dock! LMAO. He recognized us while driving by.
We made arrangements and stopped by a bit later on, having a great evening catching up with some buddies from RYB. It's a small world.

PS When you look at some of the tracks using google earth or google maps, you may see some ragged course lines. If they are near a bridge, it's normal since we may have had to wait for the bridge to open. While waiting we drift around a bit. This last leg has a good example of that.
Yesterday we were all doing that at another bridge. There were about 10 of us and one of the motoryachts lost it. The captain decided to back up for reasons unknown to us and all of the boats behind us. There was no wind, everyone was calm and relaxed. I wound up having to scoot around him and hold the position he gave up. Believe me there were a few sail boats behind us that were getting paranoid. They don't have twins they can use to their maneuvering advantage.


bbbeebop said...

Well you are in my neck of the woods now. This is the area we travel to every year to play golf.
The Eastport Course is closed but there is a good Irish Pub and Bar called Pat and Mikes right on 17. Just south of Little River. We have ahd agood meal here and cold beer. Have a safe trip, we leave for Florida, the end of Dec. I envy you, especially the warm weather.

bbbeebop said...

Oh yeah, Laurie's B'day today, she caught up to me for another 3 months, probably dinner out tonight!

EdieK0529 said...

So glad to see you're moving right along -- and even meeting up with friendly faces!

The lines to vote were at least 350 people long to use 3 machines at our polling place. We tried twice and gave up.