Monday, November 10, 2008

Destination Golden Isle (St. Simons Ga.)

Today we really moved south. Almost 80 nm. today. We traversed a few spots where the water was very shallow and had no issues. Traffic was very light and tides worked with us. If you look at where we left from today the tide was going out, and we rode it down. When we crossed the first inlet the tide was coming in, and we rode that up. All along the way we had ups and downs in speed as we crossed over the inlets because as we approached an inlet the tide would be coming in, and pushing us back. When we crossed the inlet the flow was with us (go with the flow they say) and we picked up speed.
More dolpin diving under the bow and some bald eagles. There was one island that had wild goats and cows on it.
At the end of the day I opened 'er up to blow things out again and the port engine refused to hit max rpm. Having looked at the fuel filters I found algae on that filter only and oh boy we have a spare filter. So that will get swapped out and hopefully this is the end of it for now.

Tomorrow Florida? We hope so.

We have a few hundred (I think) miles in Fla. before we make the hop so I'm thinking it will be at least two weeks before we get to the Bahamas. We are going to stop for a week in Fla. to make sure we have adequate spare filters (see above and this is wise sage advice from others we have met) and change the oil. The lads (engines) deserve it. All this idling around "on the inside" has to have contaminated the oil with fuel since the engines are not being pushed enough. Older Detroit diesels are known for this.

1 comment:

RayJeanToo said...

sounds like things are going well definatly know about fuel filter problems LOL evryone loved your grasshoppa comment the RYB crew were all winterizing last weekend and of course your blog was a lot of conversation. Though i still dont remember conversation about your enclosure was probably a wine night anyway glad things r going well be safe and enjoy best to you and Deb. Grasshoppa and Bubbles