Saturday, October 31, 2009

Palm Coast Fla.

 Today's trip went smoothly enough. No inconsiderate boaters in spite of this being a beautiful Saturday on the ICW. We blew past St. Augustine this year since we are behind schedule and got a late contact.
 You ask, "Dan, you're retired now. What's this schedule business?".
 Well we have to be in the Bahamas by December and the way things are going on the Gulf Stream, who knows when it is going to calm down again.
 We are planning for New Smyrna tomorrow, although we may stretch to Titusville. Given all of the North winds, we were hoping to anchor out but East winds would have been much preferable. Maybe we will see.
At left you see the cross from St. Augustine. It's kind of spartan but it works for me.
Here's another shot of the city from the water. Since there were too many waves we didn't get a clear shot without some fuzz. Maybe next time.

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