Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dinkin' around Treasure Cay

We've had some good weather lately although today it's bad. But anyway, I've loaded a few more photos into the bucket and I've updated the gps tracks with the data. The track labeled DinkingAroundTC within the Northbound + Southbound2 folder is probably a fun one to run as a tour within Google Earth. We almost (accidentally) found a second opening back onto the Sea of Abaco. All we had to do was continue a bit further. However with the tide situation about to change direction to a falling tide we elected to turn around and get out of the shallow water.
Along the way we ran into a group of 9 spotted rays, various other fish and turtles. It never ceases to amaze us how fast the turtles can move when swimming. There's no way we could catch one.

1 comment:

ClimbhighAK said...

Well we got 8" of snow on the first day of spring. Then the dang volcanoe blows up causing us to cancel our trip to Vegas and Seattle. When I go to Dan's blog to dream wistfully of cruising the Bahamas, I find he hasn't updated it in almost two weeks. I guess he's so busy lazing on the beach, he hasn't had time.