Sunday, January 11, 2009

On to Marsh Harbour

After being at Orchid Bay a while and putting up with the restaurant's inability to open reliably, some of us got together and a dock party was born. I have to hand it to Jon since he went around the bay in his dink and let everyone in the bay know about it. As it turned out, we probably had 15-20 boats worth of people at the gazebo! Everyone brought a dish so there was plenty of good food. In fact it was so good I don't think anyone had to eat dinner.
It was a great way to finish off our stay at Orchid Bay.

And now we are in Marsh Harbour, and things are a little different. For starters, we heard a siren for the first time in what seems like months. There's no background city like noise to disturb us and the current residents of the marina make it sound peaceful enough. The trip over was fine since the water was clam enough to water ski on. It was odd being able to see the bottom. Actually it was a bit disturbing since 'objects appear closer than they really are'.

For a while now we will be stocking up and getting ready for the next month out at another marina which will start on the 21st.

Updated the gps tracks.

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