Monday, January 5, 2009

More Dolphin encounters

But there will not be pictures this time. It was 1 o'clock in the morning and high tide and we're asleep. Deb hears something odd and gives me a poke. So I'm awake now, and in a few more minutes we here this click and popping sound. Then we hear it again. I'm thinking the boat's rub rail is laying against a pole and squeaking but there is no wind.
Sure enough, we here the deep breath and conclude the dolphins have invaded Orchid Bay. I went up to look for them but could not see anything in spite of the transom lights everyone had on. Giving up I go down inside and hear them close by again!

Since sound travels better in water, we can only imagine that they were swimming around nearby and chatting it up with each other. It was fun to listen to in the otherwise dead of the night.

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