Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ft. Lauderdale on the ICW and the wait for a crossing begins

 Yesterday we moved the boat down to Ft. Lauderdale from North Palm Beach with the hope of getting into a geography that supports a more comfortable Gulf Stream crossing. Last year we learned that the wave heights taper off since more of the coast of Florida is sheltered by the Bahama bank. In other words, more of the Gulf Stream is protected by the bank the more South we move the boat.
 We were wishing we moved the boat down on Monday to capitalize on the Wednesday through Thursday weather window but there is no need to rush and this way we have a better handle on the boat and what it needs. As we settle into a rhythm and develop more confidence we have the boat issues resolved the peace of mind goes up supporting confidence in the Gulf Stream crossing. Looking out at the stream over the palm trees one has to wonder why we sat here in Ft. Lauderdale.

 So did we miss a window or avoid a train wreck?  Both. We could have crossed over today and made Bimini easily. We probably could have made Lucaya or West End as well. But considering the outlook towards the end of the day and a forecast that was shifting in a negative direction we elected to sit here in Ft. Lauderdale until the next window. Given the notion that the word "probably" entered the scenario, we bailed out. Over the last couple of years we have had weather windows slam down on us and the last thing we need is to have one come down on us when we are in the Gulf Stream. So we'll hope for a window that offers us a cushion of fair weather after our planned crossing. It's always better to leave some room in the itinerary for unexpected events.
 This is not a bad thing because we can focus on more preparations while we enjoy the sites and sounds of Ft. Lauderdale. There are much worse places to be stuck waiting for weather to improve. The area offers many places to dine, as well as a long clean beach to walk. Early in the morning there aren't so many folks on the walks but this is a far cry from the emptiness of the Bahamas and the peace that brings. No honking horns, or crowds to deal with. Since the Gulf Stream doesn't look as though it's going to settle down for a while we will be moving up the New River and closer to shops of necessity instead of curio shops.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it to Ft. Liquordale! Hopefully you won't have to wait too terribly long for a decent window to make the Gulf crossing. We are still working on stuff on Dauntless, and everything SHOULD be finished so that we can start looking for a weather window to head to Mexico (via Key West) the week after Turkey Day. Stay in touch.
Mads and Lani

Dan said...

I have to admit they make a good Margueritta at LuLu's. Also at Casablanca. Wait... That's already two places...
Anyway, we're thinking later this week the window opens up again and we have a shot at a crossing. We're much more prepared for it now as well as getting a few more hours on the boat before we try it.
Good luck with Dauntless!