Saturday, February 28, 2009

We rented a car and drove South on Abaco

Yes for the first time in four months I drove a car. Not a golf cart but a genuine auto by Buick. Perhaps it was because I had not driven in so long. Maybe it was the KEEP LEFT taped onto the rear view mirror I don't know. But I was able to keep the car on the left side. In any event it worked and we had a good ride south and back. It was kind of dull. At times it was like traveling through the forests out west in the US where we've carved a path through the trees. Other times the land was all low lying brush. There were also expansive areas burned out by fires at the dump gone out of control.
We went to Cherokee Sound and saw the longest dock in the Bahamas. It looked like some of the docks we passed on the ICW heading South. It is a small town with roads made of concrete that are elevated about 6 inches from the ground so if you fall off, yer royally screwed. At times we were worried that the door mounted mirrors were not going to allow the car to fit on the street due to the fences on every one's property. The roads are only wide enough for one car, and had best be a small one. We turned away from a few streets having looked down them a distance. It made finding our way out of town a humorous challenge.
From Cherokee we made our way down to Sandy Point where we ate lunch at Nancy's. The building is worn from weather with this evidenced by chewed up porcelain tile. Imagine that tile is the toughest stuff known to man. If you have cut it with a tile saw you know. Regardless there was quite a bit of pitting and broken tile around. The atmosphere inside was dark since electricity is expensive but there on the TV was CNN broadcasting B.O. talking about troop withdrawal from Iraq. We had a few beers and some fried snapper for lunch walked around on the beach near a picnic area and then headed back north.
We stopped in Crossing Rocks, Casuarina, Palm Shores for a look around. Most people working in their yards would wave.
Once back we finished up some shopping for the next month and then returned the car. The day was capped off at Curley's where we had a great view of the Harbour View Marina and Freedom. Some of their seats line a waist high wall with a shelf you can sit at and look out.
I've updated the GPS data and there are more photos in the bucket as well.

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