Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beaufort SC (or learning the definition of Southern Hospitality)

Today we had a great day on the water moving another 60 miles. At the end of the day the satelite dish need another couple of degrees of elevation to hit the bird. About the only peeve with the day was a moron with a Sport Fishing boat (Sportie) that had to be 60 feet long. He was flaming everyone and threatening damage to boats if they did not move out of his way. We survived this and wound up at a terrific marina named Port Royal Landing Marina.

They also have floating concrete docks like others but today was their end of season bash. They rolled out a couple of kegs, red and white wine, a ton of great Southern Barbeque along with fixings, said a blessing, and we all chowed down. But not only this, they lent us a car so we could go shopping!

We were able to share dinner with a delivery captain and a pilot for the tankers etc. on the C&D canal. Both had many great stories and shared experience with us that made us feel good about the way we have been managing traffic on the ICW. They also agreed that the Sporties are the ones that make life difficult on the ICW.

We all wonder why the big boy in his big boat didn't put on his big pants and play in the big water with his big boat since it was flat as a pancake out on the ocean, and the distance was much shorter.

Updated the Southbound.kmz file with today's track.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats great Dan, Sounds like fun your having aside from the minor mishaps. I,ve beeen following your trip along with Pascal since its start. Some day wife and I would like to do the trip. Smooth sailing and be safe..
