Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A day on the dink

 I was wondering what photo would best describe the day we had today. This one trumps the best of the views we had on this outing. It's a picture from the Northern most Pelican Cay looking North towards Tiloo Cay. We were just about to the anchorage we had Freedom at earlier this week. It may not be obvious in the photo but heading South in the dinks we crossed over an opening to the Ocean to get here. That was nothing serious in that the opening presented us with some 2-3 foot rollers that merely brought us up and down for a few minutes. The Atlantic has calmed down from this past weekend.
 This particular cay is barren and devoid of development. There is an abandoned foundation of old and some cactus within it, but that's about it for humanity's accomplishments. These cays are low lying. When it gets bad out there the water rolls right over them. Witness the next photo.
 This photo was taken at the South end of Tiloo Cay. We have no idea what these timbers were a part of before they wound up here but it is obvious they were all piled up by the ocean during some bad weather.
 And that leads me into what it was like here last weekend. We had some aft deck encloure zippers that were pulling away from the enclosure material and I elected to break out the whipping twine and sew them up again. The material the enclosure is made of is relatively tough stuff so I taped a nickle to my thumb enabling me to push a needle through it. I spent about 3 hours repairing the damage from past encounters with strong winds. It was a good thing that I invested the time here because we were hit with a spate of winds amounting to a constant 30 knots of wind right into the affected areas. If I had not sewn these up the aft deck enclosure would have been a wreck.
 Anyway, back onto the trip topic, since we had packed a picnic lunch we dined on sandwiches made with coconut bread I backed the night before. While eating lunch on the beach one of the dinks wound up being filled with water from a small swell that invaded our landing. After dragging it up to drain it, we hauled it out past the small breakers and set an anchor for it. That being resolved we finished up lunch and pondered our next move. Since there were no shells laying around on the beach we landed at and the Atlantic side was made up of extremely rough lunar like landscape we had nothing holding us here so we set out across the inlet North towards Tiloo Cay.
 With the wind out of the North now the ride was sloppy if we tried to go at a planing speed so we merely plodded along in about 1 foot of chop along the West bank of Tiloo. Once up in the lee of Lubbers Quaters Deb and I invited Mike and Valli up to Cracker P's for a beer but they had a chill in them and wanted no part of it.
 So we parted company with our walking and dink buddies and set out for Cracker P's. It was an easy ride over and in our minds it was worth it. We ordered up a couple of Goombay Smashes and a smoked fish apetiser and sat back to enjoy the view.  It doesn't get much better!
 This view is looking east from Cracker P's towards Tiloo cut. After enjoying a snack we set out in the dink for Sea Spray and called it a day.

 GPS data has been updated, and additional photoes will arrive soon.

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