Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crown Haven via car

Yesterday we rented a car and drove up to the northern tip of Little Abaco. There were less interesting places to see along the way which was a bit of a let down. Up north of Treasure Cay there are a few towns but it seems that people are not as well off as they are down south. There are actually some ports on the main island North of Marsh Harbour and we visited them by car since they are not large enough to accomodate Freedom.
There are a couple of shanty towns and people are less friendly looking than they are down south. But we went to Marsh Harbour and restocked on food and ran into some folks we'd met and had a good time with them over lunch.
The internet connection has been severed from the marina here so this connection I have has no Skype ability and it is very slow. We heard something about upgrades being performed so perhaps this will be restored shortly. We've seen some trucks around all weekend.

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