Sunday, October 5, 2008

Departure Date Set (weather depending)

I see people are jumping the game here, expecting to see bikini clad women already. Hang in there gang as soon as there is something worthwhile, I'll provide some imagry.
If someone has photos of prospective models, you know, between the ages of say, 19 and 27, I'll be happy to post them.

Anyway, it looks like Wednesday is when we start off. With luck and good weather we hope to be in Cape May NJ in about 5 or 6 days. I'll let you know how all of that goes since we have all of the coast of NJ to traverse.

Reminds me of days chasing bluefish on the Ranger V party boat out of Sheepshead bay.. LET'R FLY OVER HERE MATIE!


RayJeanToo said...

Dan and Deb thank you so much for your friendship and help over last 4 years as our neighbors. We wish you both great weather and fun times. Jeannie and I will miss seeing Freedom off of our stern. We will miss you and if it is the course that is best for you,Possibly your return to be our neighbors once again. good luck safe journey and most of all enjoy yourselves. keep us posted how things are going for you not only on your trip but an how you both are. Love the crew of the RayJeanToo

Kimmie said...

Hey Dan and Deb---Rich sent me your site.... love it! I love that we'll be able to see how your voyage is going! I know this is very excited (and maybe a little nerve racking) for you both but enjoy every minute you have together! I wish you both the best on the high seas (hopefully not to high) Miss you guys already! Love ya
Kimmie and Shaun =o)